Stephanie Boles of the United Way of Greater New Haven offers this great story on the United Way web site about CRI’s most recent STRIVE graduation.
CRI operates STRIVE in Hew Haven, Bridgeport and Hartford. The program uses a unique and highly engaging curriculum to show students what’s important in the workplace, while challenging them to look at their own behavior and supporting needed change. STRIVE is offered in 25 other US states, and the UK and Isreal. Job placement and retention rates are consistently high.
Ms. Bole observed of the graduation, and its impact:
“Each of the graduates had an opportunity to speak about the program, their hopes and dreams and what comes next for them. It was a privilege to hear all their stories. Some of the graduates admitted this was the first time they’ve started and finished something this important. The energy in the room was very moving.
“As I looked out at the many family and friends who came to share in the graduates’ success,” she continued, “it all seemed right. A support system matters. Graduates receive support from Strive staff throughout the program as they are guided through their training. It doesn’t end once they graduate! After graduation they have access to Strive staff and resources to achieve their goal of obtaining employment. Some graduates had already secured a job. Others were on their way and look forward to the day they too can go to the Strive office and ring the bell of success, encouraging themselves and others to continue to push towards their goals.
“United Way is pleased to partner with Strive’s Career Resources Center through our Economic Opportunity initiative. Through this initiative United Way invests in skills development, transitional employment, and job placement programs that connect individuals to work.”
CRI is likewise proud to partner with the United Way in offering STRIVE and related progams!