Career Resources Inc. is proud to be a partner in this effort!
Contact: Alice Pritchard, Executive Director, CWEALF
Telephone: (860) 247-6090 x107
Program Preparing Nurse Aides Highlighted by Vice President Biden as Innovative Model for Meeting Employers Needs for Healthcare Workers
Hartford- Since January, the President has been shining a brighter spotlight on job-driven training as an essential pillar of our nation’s economic strategy. Today, the Administration has called for job-driven training across federal agencies and has profiled successful local efforts that he wants to see replicated throughout the country.
A healthcare initiative co-convened by the CT Women’s Education and Legal Fund (CWEALF) and Capital Workforce Partners, the region’s workforce investment board, is one of the local efforts featured as a national model. Metro Hartford Alliance for Careers in Healthcare (MACH) is a partnership of 37 hospitals, community-based care providers, long-term care facilities, educators, public agencies and others committed to preparing residents for middle-skill positions in the health care industry.
MACH is funded through Workforce Solutions Collaborative of Metro Hartford, a funders’ collaborative and network of public/private stakeholder organizations that invests in the development of an educated, self-sufficient workforce with skills regional employers need to successfully compete in today’s economy.
“We have a unique partnership in the Greater Hartford region with significant public and private resources invested in innovative, employer-driven models. We are thrilled that MACH has been recognized” said Workforce Solutions Collaborative Chair, Paula Gilberto of United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut.
The Enhanced Certified Nurse Aid program was established to address employer demand for a more prepared, better trained Certified Nurse Aide. The training program includes three weeks of an intensive job readiness program; an online, self-paced learning tool to increase and demonstrate basic skills; an accelerated technical training program; and four weeks paid work experience. Upon completion of the program, each participant receives a nationally recognized career readiness certificate and a state recognized CNA certificate.
“Our employer and program partners have worked hard with individuals to give them a strong start in the healthcare workforce. To have their efforts, and more importantly the efforts of our participants recognized by the Administration is very exciting” noted CWEALF Executive Director Alice Pritchard.
Partners include the CT Works One Stop Career Centers in the Greater Hartford region who help advertise the program with potential participants; Career Resource Inc. which provides the job readiness program; Tunxis Community College and Manchester Community College which provide the technical training; and employers who hire the program graduates for a four week paid work experience and in many cases offer them permanent positions (Hebrew Healthcare, ICARE Management, Hospital of Central CT and Interim Healthcare).
“We look forward to continuing to share what we’ve learned about “what works” with others across the country and our state.This is an exciting time for workforce development,” noted Tom Phillips, CEO of Capital Workforce Partners.
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CWEALF is a statewide non-profit organization dedicated to empowering women, girls, and their families to achieve equal opportunities in their personal and professional lives.