LaQuita Harris of Career Resources’ ReEntry Works Program got a great mention in yesterday’s New Haven Register.
Harris and other CRI programs brought 20 clients to an “Open Interview” at a new Little Ceasar’s. The event drew 600 applicants for 45 jobs.
In the Register:
Career Resources Inc., a Bridgeport-based nonprofit, teamed up with Little Caesars and brought a number of potential employees to the interview. Their program prepares people to be job-ready by conducting mock interviews, reviewing resume writing, cover letters, thank you letters, how to dress, and how to explain a criminal record.
Career Resources Inc. Program Manager Laquita Harris said the agency had about 20 of its students come to the interviews.
‘“We work with people and make sure they are job ready,” Harris said. “We like our students to be dressed properly and look presentable.”
The full story is here. Great job LaQuita!