Valerie, a mother of two boys, originally from Boston, Massachusetts, moved to Bridgeport, CT, with hopes of discovering a place that she could develop in and start fresh.

After going through her own trials and tribulations, Valerie believed that the right support would help her to get her life back on track.

Valerie knew receiving a degree in accounting and an undergrad in health care management would be useful, so she was on a mission to put her degrees to work. CRI’s Lucy Baney Reunification Center and Entry Point Staffing connected Valerie with career connections and employment opportunities. These connections led her to full-time employment at the GBT – Greater Bridgeport Transit.

“It has not been an easy road. I never thought my life would have taken the turn it took, but on this road, I found people who care. Organizations like Career Resources Inc., really have pushed me where I need to be. I am living testimony.” says Valerie.